European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)

The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) is the professional organisation for medical specialists in the countries of the European Union and the EFTA, representing more than 400.000 European medical specialists. As stated in the UEMS website, the statutory purpose of this international organisation is the harmonisation and improvement of the quality of medical specialist practice in the European Union.
In order to achieve this goal and to promote a high standard of clinical practice, UEMS has been pursuing the formulation of a common policy in the field of medical training, continuous medical education, exchanges of trainees between Countries, manpower problems throughout Europe.

1 . Paediatric surgery

The field of paediatric surgery encompasses the surgical care of the growing individual. lt includes management and peri-operative care from before birth up till the final stages of development.

2. Paediatric surgical centres

Paediatric surgery should be provided in paediatric surgical units based in centres where a full range of medical and surgical facilities for the care of the sick child are available. Most of these centres should provide postgraduate training in paediatric surgery and research facilities.
The paediatric surgical unit should be headed by a trained paediatric surgeon.

3. Paediatric surgeon

A paediatric surgeon is a surgeon specifically trained in the care of children.

4. Specialist paediatric surgery

Specialist paediatric surgery should be performed in a paediatric surgical centre or in a specialised centre with possibilities to provide adequate care to children.

5. Training of surgeons, other than paediatric surgeons

Surgeons taking care of children should have had adequate training in a paediatric surgical unit. They should also continue to have regular exposure to this type of patients. Moreover, they should stay informed about new developments in the field of paediatric surgery.

6. Hospital

All children should be treated in a hospital environment appropriate for their age group. Children should not be admitted to hospital if this can be avoided.

7. Referral advice

Children should be treated by practitioners experienced in this field. lf the expertise is not available, the child should be referred to a centre as defined at article 2.
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