Chronic atelectasis
(middle lobe syndrome, Mittellappensyndrom)
General information:
- Missing lung expansion over a period of at least 2-3 weeks due to bronchial stenosis (slit fashioned bronchi, malformation of the bronchial wall, compression from outside by enlarged lymph nodes or vascular anomalies) or intraluminal bronchial obstruction (foreign body).
- Asymptomatic.
- Recurrent signs of pulmonary infections.
- Chronic cough.
Diagnostic workout:
- Thoracic X-ray or CT scan.
- Bronchoscopy.
- Ventilatory and perfusion scintigraphy.

Typical right middle lobe atelectasis
Indication for operation:
- No improvement after intensive conservative treatment over a period of 8 weeks.
- Resection, e.g. middle lobe lobectomy.
Postoperative management:
- Chest tubes may be removed if the lung is fully expanded and drainage volumes decrease below 20 to 50cc during a 24 hour period.
- Good.