Funnel Chest (pectus excavatum)

Update 2023

In the majority of cases, a funnel-shaped depression of the anterior chest wall develops, especially during puberty. The cause lies in an insufficiently mechanically firm sternum in the context of the growing organism. In about 30% of patients, there is a funnel chest patient in the family. Men are affected four times more often than women.

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General information

  • A funnel located mostly in the distal part of the sternum.
  • Aetiology is still unclear. There is contiguity to a mechanical instability of the sternum and an overgrowth of the rib cartilages.
  • 90% are noticeable within the first year of life.

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Health Service Center / Wiener Privatklinik

Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Drhc Alexander Rokitansky
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